QueenPamedalah: Collage with Kids... A lesson in Pokes and Sticky ...
A lesson in Pokes and Sticky Fingers. I love collage! I consider myself a mixed-media artist and having the right adhesive is as important to me as having shelter, food and clothes. To keep me active in art, I teach art camps at KVPAC . ... Show them the "how" and they deliver some really creative stuff! I always find it interesting at the differences in the kids. Some are tactile challenged and can't stand to touch paper mache glue. ...
artproof (blogspot): ArtDaily Newsletter: Sunday, July 3, 2011
Until the late 16th century, landscape was considered a minor artistic genre by art theoreticians and was on occasions treated as a speciality confined to the painters who had moved from northern Europe to Italy. ... the centennial of the Navy acquiring its first aircraft has been canceled after a reproduction of the 1911 seaplane crashed shortly after taking off from one of New York's Finger Lakes during a practice run, organizers said Friday. ...
Bible Fingers Printing Art - Shine!
Use the below template, and print finger prints on the tree as thank you leaves. As the children are printing, help them to think of things they want to thank GOD for. 2. You may use single or mutiple colours. 3. Write the things the kids want to thank ... Receive Shine! Friendship Basis Weekly FREE Downloadable Clip Art. Simply Like our "Shine! Creative Bible Teaching Haven" Official Facebook Page. (BOTH colour/black & white version*) *Upon email request. ...
Ink on My Fingers: Sunday Stampers - Week 161 - Writing's On The Wall
Sunday, 3 July 2011 ... So, this week I was stumped for a new theme... the old Mojo has waltzed off without so much as a bye or leave so I resorted to my fave inky things and techniques and finally got my little Art Parts book started. I say started because I have got the covers and the pages done, I just need to finish the pages .... The Artistic Stamper Creative Team Blog. The Artistic Stamper Creative Team Blog Plenty of Art, Tips, Tech's & a Challenge .. with Candy! ...